Why Communicating by Design?
The very act of “gaining a voice” is something to be treasured.
As a practicing communicator, marketer, and change consultant for many years, I find this sudden freedom liberating. It also comes with great responsibility to define what my voice, my blog – and those of my co-bloggers - will talk about.
Quite simply: It’s all about communicating by design.
I’ve always been entranced by the visual, prompted by my dad who was in, as he called it, the carriage trade, selling suits and haberdashery to men in Baltimore.
I’ve also been trained by my teacher-mom, who drummed into me, again and again and again, the seduction of words and of reading.
I’ve also been influenced by clients’ writing demands, the variety of corporate initiatives that had to succeed (from IT and HR to mergers and acquisitions), and the real mandate to make change stick, inside and out, for the long term.
All share in common very deliberate and thoughtful activities. Design is not only visual but planful in its impact. As are communications and marketing, reputation and branding.
Obviously, this is a very personal blog. It’s also one that will eventually (I hope) speak for a community, as well.
It’s a community that believes in the power of multiple voices in offering opinions, considering options, and making a difference. A community that welcomes great thoughts and smart work in change and reputation, communications and design.
So please visit cbyd.co. Subscribe. Join me – and add your own thoughts.
Just like change itself, I believe we’ll be shaped by this community – and what we together see and hear, believe and do.
Barbara +