The casual era of business may soon be gone.
[Except, of course, for Silicon Valley.]
Suit jackets are the new ‘hoodie.’ Remote workers are being asked to spend at least one or two days in the office. Face to face conversations are gradually replacing texting … and smartphone emails.
One thing that isn’t changing (and one we believe should change): Overly formal, non-conversational, stiff writing.
How to recognize it? It won’t sound like a real person. It quietly screams ‘I’m self-conscious about what I say.” And it relies on our favorite consultant-ese to communicate. [Let’s vote out phrases and words like ‘best practices,’ ‘leverage,’ even ‘iconic.’ See our previous writings on those subjects.]
Understand, please: We’re not advocating the loose lips kind of communication, where texting reigns and periods are invisible. Or the type that insists on using abbreviations and emoji for delicate topics. Buttoning up way-too-informal dialogue is okay by us.
What we are promoting is communication that is clear and reflects how people talk, write, and interact. A narrative that tells a story, in language accessible to everyone. A document that sells, yet sticks to the facts. Video that is simple, compelling, and causes us to do or believe something.
Seriously. Is that harder than we think?