Diane von Furstenberg’s little wrap dress.
Telephone booths.
U.S. denim mills now manufacturing high-end jeans.
What’s old, so the saying goes, is new again.
Thank the media, in part, for paying homage to stuff that, quite frankly, doesn’t seem so ancient to us. Like PBS’ “Antiques Roadshow,” credited with a resurgence of interest in all things with years of patina. A few months ago, The (august) New York Times, as part of the re-design of its Sunday magazine, launched a series called “Who Made That?” - using as its subjects such everyday objects as Kraft’s Velveeta and clothespins. Recent culinary op-eds noted the revival of cast-iron cookware, yet mistakenly called it “marginal in the age we live in.”
Sometimes, baby boomer and other generations either re-acquaint themselves with or stumble on artifacts that might possess new lives, giving them new marketing twists. Von Furstenberg’s eagle eye noticed that significant-for-flea-market prices were being asked (and paid for) her ‘70s-status dress. High-end demand for authentic blue-jeans enticed an old North Carolina mill out of hibernation, and its workers, into better-paying livelihoods. Today, telephone booths, no longer dressing rooms for Super-people or hang-outs for serial conversationalists, maintain a proud position in offices and creative firms.
On the other hand, we fervently wish that some items in our portfolios (and our financial one, too) would experience a comeback. Like good grammar, the craft of pairing the right nouns with the right verbs and avoiding dangling modifiers. Like simple easy-to-understand design embedded in social media and Web sites and print media. Like straightforward conversation, where understanding was the overriding, single, number-one objective of dialogue.
What else deserves a comeback? We’ll continue this list … with your help (at
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